Targeting means directing suggestions

Setting goals is very important in influencing because it directs our suggestions in the desired direction, thus achieving greater influence. However, in communication we are not just talking about setting goals for a particular conversation, but it is about the constant activity of setting goals throughout the conversation. In doing so, within the desired end result, we are constantly setting new goals with regard to the development of communication (e.g. I will suggest a smile).

By constantly setting small goals, we are also aware of our influence, which helps us raise our self-confidence and integrity. At the same time, by setting goals, we can check (by questioning and projection) whether the set goals are ethical for both the influencer and the person we want to influence. 

We set goals in the form of:

  • Simple (simple and positive).
  • Specific (specified).
  • Solved (future situation when the goal is met).

The main areas where we set goals:

  • Physiological- Diet and exercise goals.
  • Mental – Educational goals.
  • Spiritual – Goals of inner fulfillment.
  • Family, relationships – Family goals.
  • Recreation – Goals for vacation or fun.
  • Career – Monetary and professional goals.
  • Contribution – Charity work.

The first step is very important. When we have goals written down, it’s easier because it clarifies to the subconscious and has less power to keep us from taking the first step.

The process of imprinting is important for achieving the goals:

  • visualization of goal results in a hypnotic state with emotion management,
  • improving submodality,
  • step by step and
  • recurring suggestions (e.g. daily / weekly review of task fulfillment / goal achievement).